Be part of a transformative experience that empowers you with knowledge, connects you with others, and nurtures a community dedicated to menstrual health and wellness. Our upcoming BLOOM event offers a unique opportunity to engage, learn, and grow together.
Attending the BLOOM event gives you exclusive access to a carefully curated selection of reliable educational materials and resources. These materials are designed to empower you with the latest and most accurate information on menstrual health and wellness. Don’t miss the chance to take home resources to help you make informed decisions and improve your quality of life.
At our BLOOM event, you can participate in interactive workshops led by top menstrual health and wellness experts. These informative and hands-on sessions offer practical tips and valuable insights. You’ll be able to engage in meaningful discussions and activities, share your experiences, ask questions, and connect with others in a supportive and welcoming environment.
One of the most valuable aspects of our BLOOM event is the opportunity to grow your support network. You’ll meet like-minded individuals, build new relationships, and strengthen your connections within the community. This event is not just about learning; it’s about expanding your community ties and becoming part of a larger, supportive network that will continue to grow long after the event.
Our event is designed to be a welcoming environment where you can truly bloom. We’ve planned various fun activities that make the event enjoyable and engaging for everyone. This is more than just an educational experience; it celebrates community, growth, and wellness in an inviting and inclusive setting.
Registration will be required to participate in the following sessions:
Different dynamics and experiences: A unique space separate from the Community Hall. Space available for 80 seats.
Expert sessions: Offering the community the chance to ask questions in a more intimate setting, apart from the main event.
Blooming Uterus: Create and take home a Blooming Uterus arrangement with natural flowers.
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We’ve thoughtfully teamed up with an incredible group of experts, nonprofits, and brands.
Let’s talk about what is NOT NORMAL during the menstrual cycle. (English) More details coming soon
Rompiendo Barreras del Ciclo Menstrual. Taller para adultos 18+ (Spanish) Más detalles próximamente
(English/Spanish) More details coming soon
Understanding the V zone and beyond. (English) More details coming soon
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